In attendance: Patty Rooney, Mary Wright, Teri Lueders, Michelle Pryor, Susan Sponsler-Carstarphan, Brett Dyer, Carmen Menza, Juliane Robles,Vet, Rhonda Daniel, Silvia Thornton, Margaret Kunkel
Discussed news from Austin:Membership duesAugust 17 deadline to pay or name will be removed from website. (Addendum—Marilyn is not removing any names at this time…) But please if you have not paid sign up thru the website ASAP.
Austin Group Meeting September 19.All chapters invited. Austin members will present their work, a light lunch will be served 10:30-1:30 p.m. Location: TBD (perhaps Bay6 Gallery and Studios OR Sharon’s house...Hope lots of people from Dallas can come!!
November 7: "10" in Austin (fund raiser show—one night only)No entry fee. Prices start at $100. 80% to the artist, 20% to TexasWax.
The committees will be in charge of how the proceeds (as with all money) will be spent. Final approval of treasurer and president is always necessary
All pieces s/be 10" x 10" x 2" & address the title "10" Enter up to 5 pieces. Only requirement beyond size is that member has paid dues.
Sharon to put final prospectus out early next week.
TEXASWAX Board Members to be announced very soon!!!Again the committee chairs will decide where and how funds are to be spent…annual shows, groups shows, individual shows, etc. will fall under programming chair/ is another committee is communications (advertising, website, promotions, etc.) and then development will be in charge of obtaining more funds when we need them...through grants, donors, membership, etc. Each year we are eligible to elect a new treasurer (in any city) to maintain the account...approve, etc...
Most of the Board members/committee chairs have been chosen and will be announced once the at large position is filled.
Global Swarming:Deanna is currently finalizing the design of the postcard and will keep us updated. We will have costs to share from reception, postcards and special hardware purchased to hang the show.
All artwork hangs until end of show. The artwork is for sale. TDG takes 10%. They will close out books monthly and issue checks.
Janet is trying to shop the showas well and believes that discussion is in order for future shows.
Pertinent Dates:The only schedule change was in the entry deadline (Aug 9) and the notification date (now Aug 21)
(Show runs September 1 to January 4, 2010)
August 28th 10-5:00 Deliver artwork to Texas Discovery Gallery
Include artist's statement and resume
August 29th, 10-? Hang Art Saturday
Sept 4, 6-8 TEXASWAX Opening.
January 3 Exhibition closes
Next Texas Wax Dallas meeting: Sunday, Sept 20 from 1 to 2:00 at Texas Discovery Gardens.
3601 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 75210
(214) 428-7476
No ticket is necessary until the fair officially opens. The GRAND OPENING of the Butterfly House is a huge event BEFORE the Fair opens with press & funders in attendance. Fair officially opens Sep 25.
Discussed the good turn-out at the WAXY 100 Show!
Brett Dyer: TCC Exhibit: Encaustic Methods & Techniques52 pieces are hanging: Opening is Sept. 3, 4-6pm
Postcards were passed out—contact Brett if you need some.
Show closes October 8 and the pick-up of artwork can be discussed at next meeting.
Kilgore College Show: The Alchemy of EncausticOct. 1 Entry deadline. (Form available soon on website)
Deliveries can be made at the Oct. 18 meeting: Location TBD
Oct. 29 Official delivery to Kilgore College....
HOWEVER, if you are coming to the opening and want to help hang the afternoon of the 30th, great! Carolyn will need to have the pieces no later than 2:00 p.m. on the 30th.
October 30 Opening Reception 6:30 to 8:30
The college does not charge commissions on any sales. The checks would be made directly from purchaser to the artist.
For more info. Contact Carolyn at
Other issues:Discussed terms for artist compensation and how we need to be very thorough when securing a show as to details of the venue’s policies regarding time frame of payment. Commissions, credit card fees, etc… this is the wake of the Degrees show where such issues/problems arose.
Also discussed how we need to take advantage of the TexasWax (State) website and to be thinking about what we post there as well as/vs. our Dallas site/blogspot…
Teri Lueders encouraged members to sign up to the LinkedIn Texas Wax group. The point of the LinkedIn group is so that we can share our unique business contacts for the purposes of networking, and that once you join, you should be sure and request LinkedIn connections with other members and accept any requests you receive from other Texas Wax members, too. That way we can all can leverage the strength of LinkedIn and possibly take advantage of new business opportunities.
We need a volunteer to host October 18 meeting.
See you all at next meeting Sept 20 @ TDG!!