I think your membership will want to know about some new events I'm offering this year. These are an Advanced Seminar and Retreat and an Intermediate Encaustic Workshop and Retreat where artists can have afternoons and evenings free to work on their own projects. In the AM we will learn new tricks, share and network. All in beautiful settings (Ghost Ranch and Santa Fe) with time to visit Santa Fe's world-class galleries, take walks and otherwise renew the spirit.
Please note that the Advanced Seminar is not a workshop at all, but more like an artist's residency with a peer-learning component. We set everything up, each person gets two big tables, and we provide the encaustic HotBox palette and other equipment, medium and beeswax (but not paint). Detailed information is on my website. So please pass this along. Thanks so much for your help, in advance.
Wishing you wonderful holidays, and warm regards,
PS I also am teaching Encaustic Monotypes in Tucson and at R&F. See below.
Paula Rolandʼs Workshops The open Studio, LLC
2009 Schedule
All workshops taught by Paula Roland
Intro to Encaustic Monotypes, Conrad Wilde Gallery, Tucson, AZ
February 21-23, 2009
March 1- 2, 2009
Contact Conrad Wilde Gallery for information and registration.
Advanced Seminar and Retreat at Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM
April 30- May 8, 2009
Tuition $1090
Materials Fee $80
Intermediate Encaustic Workshop, Santa Fe, NM
October 1-8, 2009
Tuition $1230
Materials Fee $55
Encaustic Monoytpe and Beyond R&F Handmade Paints, Kingston, NY
December 1-4, 2009
Contact R&F for registration and information.