We met at Janet Reynolds' beautiful new home.
In attendance: Deanna Wood, Mary Wright, Silvia Thornton, Charlotte Cornett, Junanne Peck, Trayc Claybrook, Janet Reynolds, Carmen Menza, and Mirtha Aertker
Joan Hart attended to find out about the group and Janet's friend Mar was also visiting.
We discussed the upcoming TexasWAX/Dallas show at the Bath House Cultural Center. We had decided on the title Some Like it Hot. Appropriate for Texas in August...
Important dates:
Sunday, July 27 - Janet needs your RSVP if you would like to be in the show. Send her up to 3 jpg images (72 dpi) with all the pertinent information (title, size, media, etc.) Ideally the work will have been completed within the last year. Work that you exhibited in our first show in February is acceptable. The only criteria is that it have wax in it in some way. The images can be of work in progress.
Sunday, August 24, 11am-1pm - drop off work at the Bath House
Saturday, August 30, 7-9pm - opening reception
Saturday, September 13, 2-4pm - encaustic demos in conjunction with DADA's fall gallery walk
Saturday, September 27 - show closes
Sunday, September 28, 11am-1pm - pick up work at the Bath House
Our show is in conjunction with a show of women printmakers. Janet will contact them to find out if they will be serving alcohol during the reception (the Bath House has rules about serving alcohol and we'd like to just kind of piggy back on their setup if they're doing it).
The Bath House will handle press for the event. They don't do postcards any more, but I said that I would be willing to design a small jpg image that can be emailed with all the info. So I'll get that out to everyone soon.
fyi - the url for the Bath House is http://www.bathhousecultural.com/index.html
I announced that Trayc and I will have a show in Denton at the Center for Visual Arts - Waxy Buildup: Cleaning House. The opening reception is Sunday, August 17.
We had an informal swap of some art supplies and other materials.
We talked a little about a possible theme for a future show dealing with the environment and the decline of the bees.
We also mentioned a possible retreat and I said I would check with Sharon in Austin. She's working on something for all 3 groups.
Then we watched the dvd Sister Bee, a short documentary about beekeeping. I met the filmmaker, Laura Tyler at the encaustic conference this year. She's also an artist who works in encaustic. Here's her blog, in case you're interested in checking out her work:
Next meeting - Sunday, August 24, immediately following the drop off at the Bath House. Janet will find out if we can meet at the Bath House. If not, we can meet at her house again.