Hello Dallas Wax Group,
I have proposed a January 2014 group encaustic exhibition at North Lake College where I currently work. We had a space come available in our gallery schedule, and I thought it would be nice to have our group come back together and have an exhibit. Believe it or not, it has been almost 3 years since our last show!
I did contact a few of you via Facebook, but I was not sure if that would reach everyone that would be interested. If you would like to participate, please let me know by this Friday, November 22nd at 5pm. I will get more information out once I know how many of us there will be in the show. We would like the work to be on campus by the end of December 2013. I will be sending out more info for delivery times and places as I know more of who all is participating.
There is no theme. The only requirement is that the work is all or part encaustic.
Brett Dyer
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Minutes from April 18, 2010 meeting
We met at Silvia Thornton's home.
Attendees: Silvia Thornton, Linda Disosway, Mary Wright, Vet and Nancy Ferro.
We talked about Intellectual Property Law in relationship to copyright and how it effects us as artists. Especially when we work with commissions and are asked to put specific imagery into the piece.
Vet reported on the Melting Point Show at the Art Centre of Plano. A great reception and turnout with three pieces selling:
Linda Disosway---Untitled 2
Antoneta Hillman--Traveling Heart
Michelle Pryor--Water Dance
May 10, 10-4 is the pickup of work from the show.
Mary reported on The Encaustic Center opening Friday, April 16, She said Peggy and Cheryl did a great job with their demo's, the work was fab and there was a really good turnout.
Vet told us about the next art exchange, mark your calendar:
ArtCycleTx Exchange, May 16, 10a-4p 235 Murray Street, Dallas Tx 75226
Email: artcycletx@gmail.com for more information. Visit and post comments -ArtCycleTx.blogspot.com. see you there!!
Next meeting TBD
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Melting Point - Art Centre of Plano
Pictures from the installation of the Melting Point show. I'm using a new photo service so I might have to adjust this post. These were taken before so many people starting milling around. There was beautiful weather for a opening and many people turned out for this exhibit.
This installation will be up through May 8. Fifteen percent of sales proceeds will be donated by the artists to Haitian relief.
Do go by if you are in the area of Art Centre, Plano, 1039 East 15th Street, Downtown, Plano, TX.
This installation will be up through May 8. Fifteen percent of sales proceeds will be donated by the artists to Haitian relief.
Do go by if you are in the area of Art Centre, Plano, 1039 East 15th Street, Downtown, Plano, TX.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Peggy Epner and Cheryl McClure at The Encaustic Center

Peggy Epner "Forest Falling" and Cheryl McClure "Influenced by the Land"
Opening reception:
Friday, April 16th, 2010
6:00 to 9:00
Show continues through May, 28th
Peggy and Cheryl will be doing a demo on their intriguing techniques at 7:00 and 7:45
We so look forward to having you here for an evening of art, food, wine and music
The Encaustic Center
580 W. Arapaho Rd. #271
Richardson, TX 75080
cheryl mcclure,
peggy epner,
the encaustic center
Monday, February 8, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Caryl Gordon at The Encaustic Center

Caryl Gordon
Redefining Nature
Opening Reception
Friday, February 19th, 2010
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Caryl will be doing an encaustic wax demonstration of her collaging process incorporating some of her original materials at 7:00
The encaustics evolved from the monoprints I have been creating over the past 14 years. They are essentially collages using wax as an adherent. I also use the wax to paint areas of the collage. When I construct my monoprints, I often use found objects of flat metal, plastic or wood with unusual textures and shapes to emboss my plates. I now use these same textures and shapes in my encaustics in a variety of ways. Sometimes, I will cut up my monoprints to basically recycle them, using the chosen portions for collage purposes. In addition, I make my own fabric designs on raw canvas using the before-mentioned found objects as stencils, spray painting the canvas with fabric dyes. I use these pieces of cloth in my collages as well. In fact, I use whatever I can find that interests me, a real recycling endeavor, for collaging, stenciling, stamping, tracing, etc. I have been a fine art printmaker since 1996, making mostly monoprints in my home studio in Plano,Texas. I started my art education at the Art Student's League in New York City during high school, studied a year at The School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts and received my BFA from The Cooper Union School of Art and Architecture in New York City in 1975. After four children and a freelance photography business, I went back to my art full time. Since then, my prints have been in juried shows in museums, galleries, universities and art centers all over the country. Just last year I discovered The Encaustic Center in Richardson, Texas and my passion for encaustics came alive! I am tremendously excited by what is for me a new medium, and I hope y'all enjoy looking at my encaustic collage/paintings as much as I have enjoyed creating them!
To view more of my work, please visit my website at www.carylcgordon.com.
caryl gordon,
texas wax,
the encaustic center,
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Texas Wax Logo Competition
Texas Wax, a Texas non-profit arts organization, invites you to submit an entry to its Logo Competition. We appreciate your participation and wish you good luck!
Artwork should embody the spirit and mission statement of Texas Wax (please see below). It will become the visual identification for the Texas Wax non-profit entity and will be the property of Texas Wax. Selected artwork will be used as the primary logo for the organization on its website and other marketing materials.
1. Submit original artwork or comprehensive layouts. The work must be original. Design must incorporate original ideas of the artist. Because the artwork will receive widespread exposure, the design may not be a close derivative of an existing logo.
2. Entrants are encouraged to include with their entries a brief explanation of how the design of the logo reflects Texas Wax. The logo should be suitable for adaptation to a variety of formats, such as the Texas Wax printed materials, website, etc. The logo should maintain its appearance well in different sizes. The logo must work in black and white, grayscale, and in color. The logo should incorporate the name "Texas Wax” and may, but is not required, to include the words “Encaustic Arts.”
3. Board members and officers of Texas Wax are NOT ELIGIBLE to participate. All Associate Members of Texas Wax are eligible and encouraged to participate. It is not necessary however to be an Associate Member of Texas Wax to submit an entry.
4. The artist agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Texas Wax LLC from and against any damages or losses sustained as a result of any design that is not original. By submitting an entry the artist certifies that he/she is the author of the material submitted to Texas Wax and that if the entry is selected, Texas Wax and its licensees may reproduce, distribute, publish, display, edit, modify, create derivative works and otherwise use the material for any purpose in any form and on any media. By submitting an entry the artist further agrees if his/her entry is selected he/she will assign free of charge all exclusive and transferable rights to use, publish, advertise, copy, modify, alter and reproduce the logo in any possible manner (commercial and non-commercial).
Texas Wax will select judges for the competition that may include representatives from the Texas Wax board, professional graphic designers and representatives from the arts community. Judges will not know the identity of the entrants and will base their decision solely on the artistic merit of the entry.
The winning artist will receive a $250 cash award and will be identified on the Texas Wax website with a link to the artist’s website, if requested.
1. To be eligible to win the $250 cash award, entrants must be 18 years of age or older and reside in the state of Texas at the time of the competition.
2. Entries submitted must be the original artwork or design of the entrant.
3. Each entry should contain the design of the logo, including any associated lettering. Each entry must include the entry form (below) with the following information: name, address, email, phone number, and signature.
4. Entries should be submitted as jpeg, tiff or eps files and should not exceed 3MB in size.
5. There are no fees to submit an entry. Limit one logo submission per person.
All entries must be emailed by March 1, 2010 to Sharon Kyle Kuhn of Texas Wax at: bay6studio@gmail.com. In lieu of email submissions, digital files may be sent on a CD to Sharon Kyle Kuhn at: 5305 Bolm Rd, Unit6, Austin, TX 78721. Mailed entries must be postmarked by March 1, 2010 to be considered.
April 2, 2010
Winning artwork and artist will be announced. All entrants will be notified by email when judging is completed.
Contact Deanna Wood, Texas Wax Communications Committee Chair - 972.345.9968 or deanna.wood@verizon.net
Texas Wax is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support, educate, and promote the efforts of its associate members in the creation, exhibition and distribution of encaustic arts in Texas. Texas Wax provides support and education for its associates through workshops, seminars and group meetings regarding the use of the medium, business advice and artistic review. Texas Wax promotes the efforts of its associate members through group shows, digital media and marketing materials. In addition to the services provided to its associate members, Texas Wax promotes encaustic arts throughout the state of Texas and beyond through programming, events and educational materials that educate art collectors, art dealers, aspiring artists, students and the general community.
-------- include completed entry form with your entry ---------
The artist agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Texas Wax LLC from and against any damages or losses sustained as a result of any design that is not original. By submitting an entry the artist certifies that he/she is the author of the material submitted to Texas Wax and that if the entry is selected, Texas Wax and its licensees may reproduce, distribute, publish, display, edit, modify, create derivative works and otherwise use the material for any purpose in any form and on any media. By submitting an entry the artist further agrees if his/her entry is selected he/she will assign free of charge all exclusive and transferable rights to use, publish, advertise, copy, modify, alter and reproduce the logo in any possible manner (commercial and non-commercial).
Mail completed entry form to:
Texas Wax Logo Competition
5305 Bolm Rd, Unit6
Austin, TX 78721
graphic design,
texas wax
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